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School Policies

Below is a list of some of our school policies. If you cannot find what you require, please contact the school office.

  1. Accessibility Plan Jan 2022

  2. Admissions Policy 2023

  3. Anti-Bullying Policy - Child Friendly Version

  4. Anti-Bullying Policy 2023

  5. Attendance Policy 2023

  6. Before and After School Clubs Policy (RASCALs) 2023

  7. Behaviour Policy 2023

  8. BPS SEND Information Report

  9. BPS SEND Information Report Dec 2021

  10. Calculation Policy 2023

  11. CCTV Policy

  12. Charging and Remissions Policy 2022

  13. Child on child Abuse Policy 2023

  14. Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy 2021

  15. Collective Worship Policy 2022

  16. Complaint Procedure 2021

  17. Curriculum Policy 2023

  18. Dealing with Persistant or Vexatious Complaints & Harassment in Schools 2023

  19. Drug Education policy 2022

  20. Early Years Policy 2023

  21. Educational Visits Policy 2022

  22. English Policy 2022

  23. Equality Policy 2021

  24. First Aid Policy 2023

  25. Gifted and Talented Policy 2021

  26. Head Lice Policy 2023

  27. Health and Safety Policy 2023

  28. Home Learning Policy 2022

  29. Intimate Care Policy 2024

  30. Looked After and Previously Looked After Policy 2021

  31. Managing Medicines in School Policy March 2023

  32. Mathematics Policy 2023

  33. Mobile Phone Policy 2023

  34. ONLINE SAFETY & Acceptable Use of the Internet 2023

  35. Parent Code of Conduct 2023

  36. Parent Social Media Policy 2023

  37. Positive Handling Policy 2023

  38. Prevent Radicalisation Policy 2022

  39. Privacy Notice (Pupils) 2022

  40. Privacy Notice 2021 for pupils in need or children looked after

  41. Privacy Notice 2023 for Staff

  42. PSHE Policy 2023

  43. Safeguarding 2023 Policy

  44. Safer recruitment policy statement Mar 2023

  45. School Uniform Policy 2023

  46. SEN and Disabilities POLICY SEND March 22

  47. SEND Policy 2024

  48. SRE Policy 2023

  49. Sun Protection Policy 2023

  50. Supporting Medical Needs in School Policy 2023

  51. Suspension and Exclusion Policy 2023

  52. TIS POLICY 2024

  53. UK GDPR Policy 2024

  54. Use of Images in School 2023