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Below you can see the latest news from Bewdley Primary School

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  • 16/12/24

    Yr 4 - Hartlebury Castle Trip

    Year 4 really enjoyed their time at Hartlebury Castle last week as part of their World War 2 topic. During the trip, they completed two workshops. The first was in a classroom looking at games, money, an evacuee's suitcase and artefacts from the war. Mr Potts told them all about how school's...
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  • 10/12/24

    Yr 6 - STEM Challenge

    Year 6 recently took part in the Worcestershire Primary STEM challenge. It was great fun and all the children really enjoyed it. They learned about structures and mechanisms and applied this knowledge to solve a construction challenge. The children were very focused on their challenge and showed how...
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  • 06/12/24

    Yr 2 - Handwriting

    With our new handwriting scheme in full flow, children across BPS have been using sand to support fine motor skills. Year 2 made the most of their handwriting lessons recently by improving their motor skills in the snow!
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  • 26/11/24

    Yr 5 & 6 - Cross Country Festival

    Representatives from Year 5 and 6 did a fabulous job at a recent Cross Country festival. They showed determination and endeavour as they raced around the racecourse and great BPS spirit as they cheered each other on. All of the children did extremely well, but a special shout out to Alice, who came...
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  • 19/11/24

    Yr 5 - Envirosort

    Year 5 enjoyed their trip to Envirosort as part of their 'Plastic Pollution' topic. Both classes learnt about the process of recycling, seeing it in action and they then re-enacted each stage. They are now ready to take on the challenge of saving the planet one plastic bottle at a time! Well...
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  • 08/11/24

    Yr 5 - Ancient Greek Topic

    Year 5 concluded their Ancient Greek topic as 'traders' before half-term. The children enjoyed their lessons looking at how people traded goods across Ancient Greek city-states and with other countries! So much so, that the Year 5 classrooms were turned into market places, in the style of th...
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  • 24/10/24

    Yr 5 & 6 - Football Festival

    This week, children from Year 5 and 6 competed in a 7-aside football festival at the Kidderminster Harriers training ground. Starting with a tough 0-0 draw, BPS then went on to win the following four games and finished the group stages undefeated having only conceded one goal and scoring sixteen...
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  • 22/10/24

    Yr 6 - Bletchley Park Trip

    Year 6 recently visited Bletchley Park as part of their iSpy topic to learn more about the codebreakers of the Second World War. They were great ambassadors for BPS and were commended many times for the fabulous questions they asked.
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  • 21/10/24

    Yr 3 - Viking Day

    The Year 3 children were very excited to have their Viking visitor in all the way from the Viking kingdom of Northumbria. Olaf told them lots of great facts and showed them some Viking artefacts, such as coins and jewellery. Some of the children even got to wear the traditional viking outfits. The h...
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  • 18/10/24

    Yr 1 - Blue Cross & RSPCA visit

    Year 1 were lucky enough to have visitors from The Blue Cross and the RSPCA who taught the children about animal welfare. The children learnt about the five welfare needs of animals and enjoyed vet role play.
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  • 14/10/24

    Yr 6 - history topic

    The children in Year 6 became historians, using primary sources in order to find out key information about the life of local World War One hero Jack Bishop. They then used their findings to create a scrapbook page that told the story of his remarkable short life and unfortunate death.
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  • 14/10/24

    Yr 5 Birmingham Synagogue Trip

    Year 5 brought all of their lessons in Judaism to an exciting close by visiting Birmingham Progressive Synagogue last week. Having already learnt a lot about this religion, the children were prepared with well-thought out questions which were praised by the chairman of the synagogue. They enjoyed se...
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