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Year 3

 Year 3 Activities

Below is a snapshot of what Year 3 have being doing in school. Click on Year 3 photos to see more photos and details.


Year 3 have recently been making botanical art. They put their artistic skills to the test by using a variety of brush techniques and mixing water colours. Inspired by American painter Georgia O’Keeffe, the children were able to create their own wonderful pieces of art!


Year 3 finished their Viking topic in style by putting all their wonderful Viking longhouses together to create one mighty Viking Village! They invited everyone to come and see, then wowed the staff and children with their knowledge about everything Viking from Asgard to runes.


What better way to learn about angles than with your very own, personalised angle monster! Year Three used their monsters to help them identify all the different right angles that are hidden within the classroom.


Year Three have had a fabulous time adding music to their geography lessons. They have been looking at the 7 continents of the world and their focus in Africa meant that the West African djembe drums just has to make an appearance! The children played call and response games using rhythm to communicate. They also created an accompaniment to 'Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)' which they also performed in assembly, to rapturous applause.

Food Tasting

Year Three enjoyed taste testing and reviewing some traditional food from India as part of their work on Asia. They were able to showcase their developing vocabulary skills to express their reactions to the different Asian flavours. As you can see from the photos, the children's opinions varied greatly!


As part of Year Three's 'My World' geography topic, they have been learning how to navigate the world using a compass. They then used the eight points on the compasses to help them to direct their friends around the school grounds!


Year Three have started their brand-new Computing topic this week by learning all about robots! For their first task, they had to become robots and follow a series of coded messages to perform actions. Their job was to create a pyramid of cups using very specific instructions. Although they started small, their robot actions became almost seamless and the pyramids got bigger and bigger!



Year Three have enjoyed some very creative craft sessions, making models of the First World War trenches using junk materials. They included enemy and allied trenches, no man's land, sandbags and plenty of rats! They were also able to discuss all these features with great understanding and empathy. 



As part of their science work, 'Artful Flowers and Fruits', Year Three have been learning all about plants' reproductive system. They've been using both their art and science skills as they tried to recreate as many different flowers as they could. After making their petals, they then added the stigma and stamen to make a really beautiful garden of flowers. 


Year 3 Remembrance Day Art

‘At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them.’


Thank you to the children in Year Three for providing this beautiful poppy art work as part of their topic on The First World War.



Viking Village

To showcase their history topic, Year Three created their own Viking village, using their incredible creations from throughout the half term. They thought carefully about the layout and were careful to use the full Norwegian landscape to their advantage, incorporating mountains, forests, farmland and rivers for fishing. Visitors from throughout the school were invited to see the village and learn more about the Vikings, thanks to Year Three's brilliant knowledge. Thank you to everyone involved in the home learning projects who helped to make some very impressive Viking longhouses! 



Tag Rugby Festival

Children from Years 3 and 4 had a great morning at Kidderminster Carolians Rugby Club, when they took part in a rugby festival with many other local schools. Although many from the team were new to the sport, they played with great enthusiasm and team spirit and were fantastic representatives for the school. 

Worcester Cathedral 

Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Worcester Cathedral this week as part of their RE curriculum, to learn more about Easter and Christian places of worship. The cathedral guides were so impressed with the children's levels of respect and excellent behaviour throughout the trip. Well done, Year Three! 

United Nations 

Year Three demonstrated their incredible geography skills last half term with the culmination of their topic – a meeting with ‘representatives’ from the United Nations! The children had previously created new countries, with human and physical features, which they shared with the representatives. They also had to present their emergency measures, should any natural disasters occur, and explain why their country should be recognised by the UN. After much discussion, and a few bribes of holidays and spa breaks, all of the countries were welcomed as new members of the United Nations!  



Following on with their geography work, Year Three have been investigating how physical and human features can be affected by natural disasters. The countries they've created were unfortunately struck by a terrible 'earthquake' this week, which measured a 10 on the Mercalli scale! The children had to decide how they would prepare for their earthquake and what they would do to if a quake was to strike. If Bewdley were ever to be hit by an earthquake, Year Three are ready to lead us into safety and have perfected the 'Cover, Drop, Hold' procedure!


As part of their geography work, Year Three have been looking at different geographical representations of both real and imaginary places. Using the skills they've been developing, the children are now creating their own country and designing maps which include a range of physical and human features. 

Model Trenches

As part of their First World War topic, Year Three created their own model trenches. All of the models had two trenches, for the Allied and Axis powers, with a space in the middle for no man's land. The children had to work together as a team with a wide range of materials and their teachers were absolutely blown away by the imaginative masterpieces they created. 

First World War Topic

As part of their First World War topic, and to coincide with Remembrance Day, Year Three have been learning more about the symbolism and importance of poppies. The children were given a wide-range of resources to choose from to ensure their artwork reflected their own unique creativity. 


As part of Year Three's science curriculum, they've been investigating how much force is needed to move cars over different surfaces and the impact of friction! 

Viking Day

Viking Day is always an exciting event for our Year 3 children (and staff!) and this year was no exception! With the help of their guide Olaf, they discovered more about trading, raiding and invading as well as the all-important battle scenes. The children all looked incredible and it's really helped to inspire their history curriculum. 

Missing Secret Agents

This half term, Year Three have been searching for missing secret agent Jimmy Pond but they have now discovered that many more agents are also missing and they need their help! The missing agents have sent the children descriptions of their locations to see if they can help to find them so they've been researching the different geographical features of the 7 continents. Their beautiful artwork will give you a clue as to where they found Operative 003! The children's next mission involves a location much closer to home so they've started by drawing maps of the local area to help with their search. 

Remembrance Day Artwork

Year Three may well be ‘working from home’ at the moment but that hasn’t stopped them creating some amazing Remembrance Day artwork. They’ve used a range of materials and imaginative formats to create their poppy art, including baking, computer graphics, Hama beads and finger painting.

Viking Day 

Year Three had the most fabulous Viking Day today as they were transported back to 793 CE/AD to take part in a whole range of brilliant activities. Olaf the Beardless guided them through an epic battle with the Anglo-Saxons which the children, sorry, which the Vikings, absolutely loved! 

Thank You to all of the parents and carers who helped the children to really get into the spirit of things with their fantastic costumes. 


Year Three have had a great time with their PE lessons this week! Although they had lots of fun with their games, their main target was focusing on the balance between competitiveness, enthusiasm and losing gracefully!

Vikings Topic

Year Three have been getting stuck into their Vikings topic by creating their own spine poetry. As you can see from the photos, we appear to have quite a few talented performance poets in Dahl class! 


The children in our Year 3&4 Key-Worker Bubble have been carrying out a whole range of science inquiries including: how we use our muscles to jump; how far sound can travel; which materials are best to slow down a toy car with friction; and how air resistance and flight are linked. The group created their own investigations using resources they found around the classroom and focused on ensuring that all of the experiments were performed fairly. 


Although the rest of the country is preparing to celebrate VE Day and the end of The Second World War tomorrow, our Year Three children are saying goodbye to their parents as they’re being evacuated to the country!

Making shelters 

As part of their Second World War topic, the pupils in Year Three have excelled themselves with their recreations of Anderson shelters as part of their home learning. The children researched and planned their models before making them from recycled materials. It’s great to see the wide range of models alongside all those smiling faces! 

Second World War Topic

Year Three have made an excellent start to their Second World War topic which has kicked off with the children researching which countries were involved in the war and then plotting them on the world maps. They then identified the locations of the Allied and Axis Powers on the maps that they've created. What a great start, Year Three! 


Years Three and Four have thoroughly enjoyed learning about parallel and perpendicular lines, thanks to the artist Piet Mondrian! Using Mondrian’s artwork as their inspiration, the children created their own geometric art using using a range of mediums.

Flower Power

As part of their ‘Flower Power’ topic, Year Three have been planting a range of seeds in recycled containers. They are going to make an environmentally-friendly planter to go outside and they’ll then transfer their flowers over to brighten up the school!


A team of children from Years Three and Four had a great time orienteering at Stourport Dome this week. Although it wasn't a competitive event, they worked brilliantly together and worked hard with children from other schools to make the most of the festival. Most importantly, the organisers of the event were keen to share that the children from BPS were exceptionally well mannered and enthusiastic. 

'Beneath Our Feet' topic

Year Three would like to thank Dr. Carl Stevenson, a structural geologist from the University of Birmingham, who visited them as part of their ‘Beneath Our Feet’ topic. The children had a great time as they explored a variety of volcanic rocks and had the chance to be Rock Detectives as they tried to classify them. They also learnt more about the day to day life of a geologist and the different skills that are needed for this career path.

Lower Key Stage 2 Christmas Show - Lights Camel Action 2!

Our school hall has been filled to the brim this Christmas, with 14 fabulous performances being staged over the last couple of weeks. Whether they were watching our 3-year old Nursery’s first nativity or Year Six’s last, all of our audiences were treated to confident, energetic and heartwarming performances.
Thank you for not posting your own pictures of the productions on social media. We are able to do so on our own website and Facebook page as we only share images of children whose parents/carers have given permission to do so. 


Year Three had to deal with the unfortunate arrival of an extremely powerful hurricane which caused destruction and devastation throughout the region. The children had to decide whether they were going to leave their homes (the classrooms) or head for the evacuation centre (the hall) and justify why they had made those choices. They then spent the morning finding or building shelters and entertaining themselves without electricity.

When I Grow Up... Week’
Years 3 and 4 enjoyed a chance of pace when they welcomed Emma Caddick from Santosha Yoga and Wellbeing Worcestershire into school. In a week which focused on aspirations and plans for the future, it was important to remind the children about the importance of wellbeing and taking time to reflect and relax.

Bewdley Festival Service

Children from Years Three and Four were honoured to take part in today’s Bewdley Festival Service at St. Anne’s Church, which marks the end of this year’s Bewdley Festival. The children have been rehearsing for the last few weeks with local composer Jim Ineson, following their invitation to sing with the fantastic Bewdley Festival Voices during the service. Well done to everyone who took part - the singing from the combined choirs was absolutely incredible. What a great opportunity for our pupils!

Learning about Braille

Today, Dahl class had a great afternoon learning more about Braille. Finnley was an incredible teacher as he helped his classmates to find out more about the Perkins Brailler, a type of Braille typewriter, and Lego Braille. They then worked together to crack the Braille codes and find the answers!

Wilson Class Art 

Wilson class had a great day creating their Viking collages and the results were spectacular! Using a variety of resources including watercolour paints and coloured pencils, the children learnt a variety of sketching and shading techniques to create stunning pieces of art. 

Dahl's Trip to the Safari Park

As the official partner school for West Midland's Safari Park, we are often invited to try out their new educational activities and exhibits. This time is was the children in Dahl class who were lucky enough to spend the day in their new outdoor classrooms. As you can see from the pictures, the children had a great time interacting with the mini-beasts they'd been learning about in the sessions. 

Viking Day

It was an incredible, action-packed day for Year Three, who absolutely loved their Viking Experience! Their guide for the day, Olaf, taught them all about trading, raiding and invading as well as recreating a sea voyage from Norway to England, followed by a battle between the Vikings and Anglo Saxons - certainly not your average Thursday!

Tri-Golf Festival

Ten LKS2 pupils represented BPS at a Tri-Golf Festival on Friday at Bewdley Leisure Centre on Friday. With the help of Sports Leaders from The Bewdley School, the children took part in a variety of fun, energetic golf games and worked really well together as a team.


Blist Hill Victorian Museum

LKS2 visited Blist Hill Victorian town to experience what life would have been like in Victorian times. The children and staff enjoyed going back in time to see what poor and wealthy homes were like, experience a lesson in a Victorian school and complete a candle dipping activity. The children visited the bank to exchange their £3 spending money for old Victorian pennies and farthings.  It was really fun browsing the wide range of shops and seeing what their money would buy - although most money was spent in the sweet shop and bakery! Everyone looked fabulous in their Victorian costumes and it was a pleasure to receive lots of positive comments from the museum staff about the children’s enthusiasm and behaviour. Once again, a credit to BPS!

LKS2 had a great afternoon using the parachute for their PE lesson. The best part was creating a mushroom. Great team building skills.