Home Learning
In general, the homework that is sent home from Lower Key Stage Two will be topic based. For example, the Roman task that was set over the summer holidays. Thank you to those children and families that have already handed in some super projects. The tasks are usually very open-ended to allow the children to research and create projects which inspire and interest them. Although they are not compulsory, they are highly celebrated within the key stage and children really enjoy sharing and presenting their work.
A maths home learning sheet is also available every half term for parents to use as a guide when working with their child. Other individual homework may also be sent home from time to time, which is related to a specific objective.
We also highly promote the TT Rockstars times table programme where the children can login from home and practise their times tables. Their scores are recorded and they can take part in competitions against other children, classes and key stages.
We have also sent home a password for a new spelling website “Spelling Shed” where again, the children can practise spelling words. This is brand new to us so please allow us time to get to grips with it and set up word lists.
All home activities will be posted here including maths activities and spellings