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Music Lessons

In school we use independent teachers to provide our extra-curricular music lessons in both the mornings and afternoons. These are twenty minutes long and can either be shared lessons (in a small group of no more than three) or individual ones. Music teachers do their best to swap lesson times around so that your child is not always missing a part of the same lesson. Please note that costs are for the 2024 / 2025 academic year only.

We currently provide the following lessons:


Drums are taught by Mr Nigel Lewis on a Friday lessons cost £11.00 for an individual session. Mr Lewis also teaches guitars on a Friday and these lessons cost between £5.50 for a shared lesson and £11.00 for an individual session.


Piano and Violin

Mrs Sophie Price teaches piano and violin on Mondays. Lessons cost between £5.50 for a shared lesson and £11.00 for an individual session.


Miss Katie Brown teaches keyboard on Thursdays. Lessons cost between £6.50 for a shared lesson and £13.00 for an individual session.



Ms Helen Foster will soon be joining the BPS music family and offering flute tuition. Day and prices to be announced soon!


We currently have around 35 Key Stage Two and 10 Key Stage One children who have instrumental lessons during the school day. We currently offer drum, flute, guitar, violin, keyboard and piano lessons. These are all taught by independent teaching staff.

If a teacher is absent every effort will be made to catch up the lost lesson either at the end of the current term or in the following term. Where it is impossible to make up the lesson, you will be credited for the missed lesson. If a pupil is absent for any reason and the teacher is in school, you will be charged for the lesson as usual.

Lessons will need to be paid for in advance, that is at the end of the previous term and all charges will be payable to the individual music teachers. They will arrange payment through email contact.

All teachers are subject to regular DBS checks.

If you would like to add your child’s name to the waiting list to learn an instrument, please compete the Instrumental Lessons form below and return it to Mrs Page or the school office.

Please remember that in addition to the cost of lessons, your child will also, from time to time, be asked to get music to aid tuition. This is an important part of a music lesson so that every child will be able to learn to read the music and use it at home when they practice. Teachers may also provide photocopied pieces if needed.

Practice should become a regular part of the child’s playing as this will help the child to play confidently, develop good tone and to read music. If playing at home is not possible every night of the week, please ensure that they play three or four days a week so they can see progression.


Exams and music medals:

When your child’s teacher thinks they are ready to take a music test, they will inform you. The ABRSM exams are becoming increasingly expensive and therefore Music Medals are encouraged so that children can see that they are progressing. Unfortunately, these are not available for all instruments yet.


FAME lessons:

In years five and six, children learn to play the ukulele led by teachers from Severn Arts (the Worcestershire music team). These are whole class lessons, led by qualified and experienced music teachers which have led to some fantastic performances for the school. The ukuleles are provided by Severn Arts so no instruments need to be purchased.