Parking at School
Parking outside school
Please be considerate when parking outside school. It is illegal to park on the zig zag areas. Do not park on footpaths and near to road junctions. A barrier is in operation in the school car park from 8am to 4.30pm. Please be aware that only authorised staff and visitors will be able to use this facility. The barrier system is part of our commitment to improving safety at school by reducing traffic on the school site. Parents dropping off and collecting children from RASCALs can access the car park before 8am and after 4.30pm. Please do not try and enter the car park before 4.30pm. This is because children are leaving after school clubs until 4.30pm. There is no pedestrian access through the barrier. Please use the footpaths not the car park to access and leave school. Do not attempt to walk under the barrier as this could activate it, putting you and your children in danger.
School car park and lay by parking for parents and children
Due to the increased numbers of people who have requested the use of the disabled spaces in the school car park we are aware that it could become extremely overcrowded at the start and the end of the day, and in turn become a safety issue to pedestrians and other vehicle users. To alleviate this problem, the following arrangements have been put in place and we ask parents to adhere to them. The safety and wellbeing of our children is our priority whist also trying to meet the needs of disabled badge holders. Please help us to keep our children safe.
School car park
Parents who have a prior agreement based on the disability/needs of their children may be able to park on the car park however arrangements will be made directly with these parents. The car park will be locked. No blue badge holders (without prior arrangement) will be admitted into the car park. Please do not attempt to access the carpark – you will not be permitted in and will have to reverse back out onto the road. Even those with a valid blue badge may still find that we are unable to permit access at peak times, due to the congestion on the car park.
School Layby
Morning 8:20am – 8:45am - Drop off only No Parking
The layby will be staffed – cars can drive in and parents can drop off their children at the end of the layby. The children can walk along the school path to another member of staff who will guide them to the school main gate
Afternoon 2:45 -3.30pm
There will be no parking availability in the afternoons.