Ian Williams
I was invited to become a governor in 2014 by the Local Authority, a job I was honoured to accept. I quickly enrolled on the new governor training course. It was then I realised how much responsibility and accountability is laid on the governing body. Changes in Education Ministers and curriculum made the challenge and the learning curve greater.
I am the Health and Safety governor including the Well Being of our children, all our staff on site including our head teacher. The Curriculum area I am responsible for is the Gifted and Talented. This duty is to oversee with the teaching staff their understanding of all children and perhaps those who under achieve in academic disciplines but shine in other ways such as music, art, sport; quick thinkers who sometimes work alone but can also be positive leaders.
After a working life as an engineer, milkman, newsagency owner and car salesman, I am now semi-retired. I share my time between grandchildren school duties, being an Earth Heritage Champion, an active Civic Society committee member, a working member of Severn Valley Railway, a supporter of Bewdley Town FC and a film extra! Attending school trips and PTA events at Bewdley Primary, St Anne’s and Stowlawn Primary schools where my wife works, are special days.
I am proud to be an enthusiastic member of our Governors at our wonderful school. I am passionate in my aim to give all children the best education possible.